| The premier destination for stock house floor plans in PDF or CAD format

Submit your plan

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Send us your quality 2D house floor plans in CAD format for publication on Concept Plans and your account could be credited with up to USD 30 in store coupons that may be used as you wish. Submit more than 10 floor plans suitable for use on our website and get unlimited access to our database of plans.

Submitting your floor plan designs indicates that you have read and accept the terms and conditions as set forth below. Your work, once accepted and published on, become public and free of further royalty to you, which means that you accept it to be published and presented in electronic format in the terms as set forth below:

STEP 1 – Authorship & permission to publish

The sender declares that the work he/she is submitting is his/her own and not the works of someone else’s copyright. The sender authorize the work to be published on the web site of When becoming public, the sender accepts that the work can be downloaded, used, manipulated and modified by other parties.

In cases of omission of information about third parties’ copyright, plagiarism, copy, subtraction or violation of copyright the legal responsibility for the material will fall on the sender and will remove the material and disable the senders account.


STEP 2 – Evaluation & publication

Sending of your CAD floor plan designs is voluntary. In exchange for the effective publication or intention on the part of Concept Plans to publish the sent works; the sender’s account will be credited with store coupons for up to 5 downloads or 30 USD.

Concept Plans reserves the final right to the publication of the works and the submissions will be subject to an evaluation process. Depending on the quality of the submitted works for publication, you will be notified within 3 days of acceptance. Should you not receive a notification within this period, it can be assumed that the submission was not accepted. Concept Plans will not use works that are not accepted in any way and it will be discarded accordingly.

Accounts will be credited immediately upon acceptance of submitted works. This however does not mean that the works will be published straightaway. Publication may be delayed because of editorial issues.


Guidelines for file submissions:

  • Please do not send files larger than 3MB
  • Files to be in CAD format and/or Zipped to reduce file size (Uploader will only accept *.dwg and *.dxf or *.zip files)
  • Evaluation is usually done within 8 hours, but please allow up to 3 working days


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