| The premier destination for stock house floor plans in PDF or CAD format

About Us

What we do

Concept Plans features stock house floor plan design templates available for download in either 1:100 scale PDF (Adobe Acrobat) with dimensions or CAD (AutoCAD DWG) in metric format.

All the stock floor plan designs on were designed by architects or professional architectural designers. The floor plans are optimized for use in the southern hemisphere, but the designs can be used just as well in the northern hemisphere where plan orientation plays a lesser role.





Why we do it


Many prospective property owners enjoy the creative challenge and sense of self-achievement in designing their own house plan! Concept Plans can be seen as a good starting point to create your own design by downloading and using one or a combination of our pre-drawn floor plans. These plan templates can then be printed out to scale to draw or design on it by hand, or more ‘tech savvy’ users with CAD experience can manipulate the DWG templates electronically. The final concept sketch can then be taken to a local draughtsman or architectural designer to incorporate your particular styling requirements as well as local building codes for construction plans to be finalized.





What we don’t do


Concept Plans does not provide a design service or assist with design enquiries – the floor plan templates are provided as-is for users to utilize as they see fit.

Due to the diverse nature of our customers, we cannot provide building advice as building materials, construction methods as well as building codes and regulations vary significantly in various locations around the world.

We do not provide support for CAD software. Plans are provided in AutoCAD 2007 metric format and it is expected that users who would like to make use of our DWG templates, be familiar with CAD applications.





What is a Concept Plan?


A concept plan, also sometimes referred to as a ‘sketch plan’ is an architecturally sound (correct) 2D floor plan in some instances hinting towards a possible style, roof type or elevation treatment, but without any elevations or technical details shown on the plan. The purpose of our concept plans are not to be fully comprehensive technical documents, but rather an architecturally sound starting point or ‘template’ that might be used ‘as-is’ or altered to create another design.

All our plans contain basic dimensions, an elementary roof outline, door and window positions, sanitary fixtures and a proposed furniture layout. No other technical details or specifications are included. The plans are 2D designs only and does not have any elevations.




Advantages of Stock plans


  • Advanced plan filter with various attributes to find the perfect house plan easily and efficiently.
  • Print & draw to 1:100 scale with our PDF floor plans. (Easy printing and designing on it with a normal ruler.)
  • Measurements / Dimensions included for basic rooms sizes (See plan samples)
  • Wish List to save your favourite plans for viewing at a later stage or sharing with others.
  • Layer system to switch off various items on the plan with only one click. (For example: Easily switch off the furniture, dimension or roof line layer to make it less cluttered for ease of additional design)
  • Great selection of house floor plan templates for owner builders as well as professional designers
  • Download CAD floor plans in popular DWG format available for import in almost any vector design software package. Metric units can easily be converted to imperial units. (Tech savvy & CAD users only)
  • Export to other popular graphic file formats.
  • Colour coded room types to easily define different functions of the house plans.
  • Professional architectural design. All our floor plans are designed by professional architectural designers to a high standard.
  • Instantly available downloads. Starting working on your design within minutes!